How To Make More Money Fast!

Sometimes if you’re broke or living on more than you’re actually making in income you need extra money. There is no way around it that you need to get extra money by working harder. That could mean picking up extra shifts at work or getting a part time job. There are also all kinds of different side hustles you can do. However, many side hustles are a waste of your time and energy. This may not be the answer you want to hear but it is the truth. Most side hustles will not earn you money quickly. You may think […]

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Cancel Your Gym Membership

The culture tells us to be healthy by eating better and getting fit through exercise. The gym is advertised to us as the best way to lose weight, gain strength, and be healthy. It can be a great resource to those that use it. I repeat… to those who use it! There are many people that have a gym membership because they have a distant dream of being healthy. Yet they do not utilize the membership. They may even start strong going every day or even every other day. The fact is that they soon fall away from going because […]

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Ways To Save On Vacations & Date Nights

If you are living paycheck to paycheck or deeply in debt I suggest cutting all unnecessary costs from your budget. This includes the costs of going on dates with your significant other. It also includes reducing the costs involved in the vacation that you take each year. How much money you save really depends on how focused you are on putting savings in your bank account or paying off your debt. I understand that we all need to have some time with our partner or to get away from the stress of life by going on a vacation. If you […]

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Cancel Luxury Subscriptions & Apps

When you’re broke you need all the money you can gather. Something that may be stealing your money is luxury apps or subscriptions. What counts as a luxury app or subscription? Luxury means a state of great comfort and extravagant living. Therefore that would be any subscription or app that you enjoy but that is not needed for essential living. If you have a budgeting app I want you to keep that because that is essential for your wellbeing financially. If you have an app that tracks your miles for work reimbursement then I want you to keep that as […]

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Stop Eating Out At Restaurant’s & Drive-Thru’s

One of the most common reasons people are broke is because they are eating out. On average Americans are spending between $200 to $300 a month on eating out. That is on top of them buying groceries for an average of $300 to $500 a month. During the pandemic of 2020, we have actually increased eating out with takeout and drive-thru food. That is because everyone is tired of being at home and it is an excuse to get out of the house. In my state, restaurants were shut down for a while and some people actually found themselves saving […]

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The Broke Budget Financial & Lifestyle Plan

This video is the introduction to the Broke Budget lifestyle and financial plan. I talk about who this program is for (broke people) and what the program contains. Plus a few different financial tips are buried throughout the video so be sure to watch until the end. Give this video a like and subscribe to the Broke Budget YouTube channel for more FREE content!

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