Why We Ditched Our Credit Cards

You may have read a previous article about how I locked mine and my husbands credit cards in a safe. We were trying to break the habit of overspending. However we wanted to keep the credit cards for emergencies and to build our credit score. Ultimately our goal was to stop living paycheck to paycheck by paying off debt. My view has slightly shifted since that last article and I will explain why. We are often told that we need a credit card to keep up with our credit score. What if that isn’t true? I was challenged on my […]

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How To Solve Money Problems In Marriage

If you clicked on this article you most likely have money problems that are coming between you and your spouse. Today I will provide some practical steps to help you stop money fights, get on the same page, gain traction towards financial goals, and be content with where you are at now.  According to market watch the number one predictor that you may end up divorced is if you are having arguments with your partner about money. 48% of couples living together argue about money. Of those who argue about money 41% of Gen-Xers and 29% of Boomers end up […]

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Living A Frugal Lifestyle

Living a frugal lifestyle is really about your mindset. You have to decide to save money where normal people will waste their money. It isn’t always easy to do so you have to decide ahead of time that you want to live as a frugal person. Living a frugal lifestyle does not look the exact same for everyone. Some people are more frugal than others and that is okay because it is about finding the balance that is right for you. To save money you sometimes have to get creative. That may mean reusing something most people throw away. Such […]

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It Is Tax Refund Time!

Around this time of year everyone gets excited for their tax refund. When you receive a refund it is because you were charged too much for your taxes. Thus it is like receiving your own money back at a later time. However, most people do not see it or treat it like that. People tend to treat it as a bonus that they can use to buy the extra things they have wanted all year long. That is the recipe that brings them right back where they started financially. Sure, maybe they have one or two things that brought them […]

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Our Debt Free Journey Update From 2020

We first started to get intentional with paying off our debt in April of 2020. Now as we approach the end of February 2021, I want to look back over the past 11 months to recognize the accomplishments. We may not be finished but we have made great progress. When we started we were living paycheck to paycheck. Barely making it to the next time we got paid. We were even using credit cards to supplement our income. Today we no longer need to use credit cards. Today we actually have some savings set away for small emergencies. We no […]

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Why Tracking Even The Small Expenses Is Important

A lot of people think it is good enough to keep track of the big purchases without worrying about the small everyday expenses. That thinking suggests that only the expenses over $100 or $500 are worth paying attention to. If that is your way of looking at things I am here to tell you that you could be looking at a financial downfall in your future. To clarify, it is important to make sure we have enough money for large purchases and bills. It is just as important that we make sure we can afford the small expenses. A few […]

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Valentine’s Day Date Ideas For 2021 That Won’t Break Your Budget

Valentine’s Day can be an expensive day. Just thinking about all the flowers, chocolates, cards, stuffed animals, puppies, kittens, and going out to eat at fancy restaurants makes my wallet hurt. Where all these things are fun and even expected, there are things you can do that won’t hurt your wallet but will still be special and memorable.  Do something fun together at home that doesn’t involve technology. Like cooking together. Make cookies shaped as hearts and start decorating! You can buy premade kits but those can be expensive. Try a new recipe and make the cookies from scratch. The […]

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Get Extra Cash For Selling Items You Don’t Need Anymore

If you are looking for some extra cash, selling items you don’t need or don’t use is a great way to get some. It may seem like an obvious way to get some extra money but it is worth mentioning. Not everyone does it for fear that they may need something in the future. As if you’re just holding onto something in case the need ever arises. Let me just tell you it is not worth holding onto it! If your house or apartment is full of unused items you have plenty of items you could sell. When you hold […]

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Credit Cards Belong In A Safe, Not In Your Wallet

Having a credit card can be beneficial for many reasons. It can help in emergencies, it can build reward points for future purchases, gain airline miles, and most importantly build your credit score. The downsides to owning a credit card though can outweigh the benefits. At the end of the day if you count all those late fees and the interest charged over time it adds up to costing you more than you get in benefits. Even if you are making on time payments! Credit card companies want you to use the cards frequently so that they get more money […]

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Cancel All Those Video Streaming Apps & Subscriptions

I love watching movies, I mean LOVE it! If I am given a day off I can sit in front of the tv all day. I can watch my favorite movies and shows without getting sick of them. Nowadays watching movies is even easier with subscriptions to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+. With a few clicks of the remote I can move onto a new show or movie. I don’t even have to move off the couch to put in a different DVD. However with this convenience also comes consequences and downsides. I can sit there all day watching show […]

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