How To Solve Money Problems In Marriage

If you clicked on this article you most likely have money problems that are coming between you and your spouse. Today I will provide some practical steps to help you stop money fights, get on the same page, gain traction towards financial goals, and be content with where you are at now.  According to market watch the number one predictor that you may end up divorced is if you are having arguments with your partner about money. 48% of couples living together argue about money. Of those who argue about money 41% of Gen-Xers and 29% of Boomers end up […]

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How Much Emergency Fund Should You Have Saved?

If this pandemic has taught us anything it is that we need to have an emergency fund. Some people learned this the hard way which resulted in unpaid bills, eviction, and getting deeper into debt. However, we need to stop focusing on the negativity of what has happened. What matters most now is that we have had a wake up call and now it is time to look forward towards our financial future. We now know having an emergency fund is necessary. So then how much do we need to be saving for it? A three to six month emergency […]

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Should You Pay Your Student Loans That Are In Forbearance?

This is a question I asked myself when student loans first went into forbearance. At first I wasn’t sure if I should continue paying the minimum payments, stop paying them all together, or attack them with a vengeance. I wanted to get the most value out of the situation but I wasn’t sure what option would provide me with the best result. After a few weeks of considering the advantages and disadvantages I came up with the plan that was right for me. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of all the options to get a better understanding of […]

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It Is Tax Refund Time!

Around this time of year everyone gets excited for their tax refund. When you receive a refund it is because you were charged too much for your taxes. Thus it is like receiving your own money back at a later time. However, most people do not see it or treat it like that. People tend to treat it as a bonus that they can use to buy the extra things they have wanted all year long. That is the recipe that brings them right back where they started financially. Sure, maybe they have one or two things that brought them […]

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Why Tracking Even The Small Expenses Is Important

A lot of people think it is good enough to keep track of the big purchases without worrying about the small everyday expenses. That thinking suggests that only the expenses over $100 or $500 are worth paying attention to. If that is your way of looking at things I am here to tell you that you could be looking at a financial downfall in your future. To clarify, it is important to make sure we have enough money for large purchases and bills. It is just as important that we make sure we can afford the small expenses. A few […]

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Develop A Budget & Stick To It

If you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, find debt freedom, build wealth, and give generously without worrying about your finances then you need a budget. Really everyone needs to make a budget but it sounds like such a scary thing to do. Not only does it seem overwhelming to do but if you actually look at your finances you might find negative balances, massive amounts of debt, and overall poorly planned financial decisions. However, I don’t want you to think of it as something that is negative. I want you to think of this as your starting point […]

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I Had To Be Broke To Start A Budget

Making a budget is not an easy or very fun thing to do. Most people refuse to do it for various reasons. My reasoning was I thought I could make all the calculations in my head. I thought I could know an average amount of what we spend on regular bills and an average of what we spend on food. I figured with some self discipline both me and my husband would only spend money on essentials with very few wants in between. I am not too proud to admit that I was wrong, very wrong. Me and my husband […]

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Importance Of An Emergency Savings Account

It is not a matter of if an emergency is going to happen, it is a matter of when it will happen. Yet only 41% of Americans can pay cash for a $1,000 emergency. Leaving 16% that rely on a credit card for an emergency, 14% who plan to borrow the money from family & friends, 13% who will reduce their spending on other areas to cover it, 7% who will take out a personal loan, and 9% who don’t know how they will cover it or refused to answer the question. That is just the statistics for a $1,000 […]

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The Broke Budget Financial & Lifestyle Plan

This video is the introduction to the Broke Budget lifestyle and financial plan. I talk about who this program is for (broke people) and what the program contains. Plus a few different financial tips are buried throughout the video so be sure to watch until the end. Give this video a like and subscribe to the Broke Budget YouTube channel for more FREE content!

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