Cancel Luxury Subscriptions & Apps

When you’re broke you need all the money you can gather. Something that may be stealing your money is luxury apps or subscriptions. What counts as a luxury app or subscription? Luxury means a state of great comfort and extravagant living. Therefore that would be any subscription or app that you enjoy but that is not needed for essential living.

If you have a budgeting app I want you to keep that because that is essential for your wellbeing financially. If you have an app that tracks your miles for work reimbursement then I want you to keep that as well. However, if you have a paid app for a game then I want you to get that out of your life. If you have a subscription to watch movies and you aren’t a movie critic by trade then I want you to unsubscribe from that.

Subscriptions and apps can easily steal huge amounts of your money over time. A dollar here and there seems like nothing. Maybe even $10 to $20 a month seems like it’s not really affecting you financially. However, if add up all the subscriptions and apps you pay for in a month it gets pretty costly. The average American spends $237 a month on subscriptions and about $10 on apps per month. This means you’re looking at paying about $247 a month or $2,964 a year.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather save that money than waste it on subscriptions I only use once and while. I could take that money and spend it on my financial goals instead. Goals like paying off debt, emergency savings, saving for a large purchase, investing in my personal growth, investing in the stock market, and building wealth. Remember that every dollar you can use towards your goal gets you one dollar closer to achieving that goal. Save money where you can by canceling the extra luxury subscriptions and apps.

If you need an essential budgeting app then look for the Budget Ninja app that is coming soon.

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