Get Extra Cash For Selling Items You Don’t Need Anymore

If you are looking for some extra cash, selling items you don’t need or don’t use is a great way to get some. It may seem like an obvious way to get some extra money but it is worth mentioning. Not everyone does it for fear that they may need something in the future. As if you’re just holding onto something in case the need ever arises. Let me just tell you it is not worth holding onto it!

If your house or apartment is full of unused items you have plenty of items you could sell. When you hold onto things you don’t need and never use, it is considered hoarding. If you have ever seen the tv show Hoarders you know what I am talking about here. Those are extreme cases of hoarding. The literal definition of the word “hoard” is to store something away for future use. Many of us are guilty of this to some extent.

For instance I have some old decor that I had in my room growing up. It is just sitting in my basement not being used because my tastes have changed over the years. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there willing to pay for that decor. Instead I am holding onto it for an unknown imaginary scenario when I might need it again. It doesn’t make sense, does it? I enjoyed the decor for years but now I need to let it go so someone else can enjoy it.

This kind of new thinking can bring freedom in multiple ways. One it is bringing joy to someone else who actually needs the item now. Secondly, you’re opening up more room in your living area which can release the stress of a cluttered home. You’re also making some extra money even if it is only $5 here and there. It is an all around a good deal!

When you sell your items you can take that money and use it where it is needed. My top suggestion is to take the money and use it to reduce any debt you have. I believe debt is slavery. You have to pay the lender back or there are consequences. You may not get whipped but you could lose your car, get charged late fees, or lose your home. If it is accumulating interest that is even worse because you have to work longer and harder to get it paid off. If you had gotten the service or item with cash that you saved ahead of time it would have cost you less in the long run. The faster you get out of debt the sooner you can have a better lifestyle.

If you do not have any debt I suggest putting the money in a savings account. Whether that is a savings account for something specific or an emergency fund that can help you in the long run. Ultimately you make the decisions on where the extra income you’re making on selling items will go. Regardless of what you put it towards I encourage you to keep track of your income and spending with a budget. Don’t see it as free extra money. See this as an investment towards your future that you worked hard on. That way you don’t lose it all in a meaningless shopping spree.

If you are looking to sell the items and you don’t know where to start I suggest using Facebook Marketplace. It is the easiest platform to use and it is FREE. You can easily sell to people in your area so you don’t have to travel far or pay for shipping. In my experience scams are rare on Facebook compared to other sites like Craigslist. When someone messages you on Facebook you can click on their profile which makes it easier to spot a scammer versus a potential buyer.

Plus you can get more publicity on Facebook to your friends and family. Which is even more comforting if you manage to sell to someone you already know. Still you must guard yourself and be prepared if a scammer does message you. If it seems at all fishy you should report it to the website and/or police department. Bigger sale items are more likely to get scammers than smaller items. For instance we received more scams and false bids on a used vehicle than we did on a small sports gear shelf. Just be aware that scammers are out there but don’t let it stop you from pursuing your goals.

Sell, Sell, Sell! Just do it right now! As I stated there are many healthy and wonderful reasons you should sell items you don’t use. Mainly it is about making that extra money to reach your goals. Websites like Facebook make it easy to sell in your neighborhood. Post it on the marketplace, your timeline, and maybe join a few local city selling groups on Facebook to get even more publicity. It is really as easy as 1, 2, 3, GO!

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